Precise detections of muscle groups, acupuncture points, height, weight and other body conditions, so that massage find the sore parts more accurately.
. Distinctive creation of 12 groups of automatic programs
Based on Japanese medicine,in order to meet the daily preventive medicine concepts of the human body.
. Leg kneading unit
Independently develop leg depth treatments, heating, stretching, lifting,kneading and other anthropomorphic actions.
. Patented hip large ergonomic airbags
Three layers of large folded air bags on the hip, imitating yoga hip twisting actions, wave swinging from left to right, kneading waist and slim body.
. 135CM SL guide rail
Covering 150cm—190cm height.
. 70 groups of full body airbags massages
Shoulders, arms, hips, legs, feet and other body parts are adopted by air bags extrusion massage and also combined with combination therapy of back mechanical hands.
. Constant temperature heating for waist and back/calf
Waist fast heating, warms the whole body. Calf constant temperature heating, releases leg knee pain pressures.